We welcome you to Parkview and look forward to having you as our neighbor. Parkview is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and, as a neighborhood, we strive to preserve our natural and architectural heritage.
let us know you’re here
New neighbors: please send us an email to Agents@ParkviewNeighborhood.org giving us your names, address, phone number (for the phone list), and best email address, so we can add you to our blast emails and newsletter mailing lists.
Our Indentures Restrict Property Use
Parkview is governed by our 1905 Indentures that carry restrictions for using or altering your property. Parkview's founders clearly sought to preserve the special nature of the neighborhood. A few of the most commonly addressed issues are quoted from the Indentures below. Please consult the Indentures or ask an agent if you have questions. Below you can click on the image and download the corresponding document. Search the transcribed 1905 Indenture here.
No house shall be used directly or indirectly for any purpose other than that of an exclusive, single-family private residence.
No house may be used as a flat or apartment house, or by more than one family. Note: This prohibits renting rooms to students or others, and/or renting-out a carriage house or garage.
No house on any of said lots shall be used directly or indirectly for business. Note: Using a home for short-term (AirBnB-type) rentals, using a home solely as a rental property, or running a business with non-family members who work from the home, are interpreted as using the home as a business and violate this clause of the indentures.
The Agents are charged with upholding the Indenture, and may bring any legal action to enforce provisions of the Indenture. Further, lot owners who shall be found to have violated the provisions of the Indenture shall be liable for costs of suit, including attorneys’ fees and all other costs incurred by the agents in prosecution of such suit.
Historic Renovation Guidelines
Both University City and the City of St. Louis have guidelines for the renovation of historic property (see Historic Preservation Building Codes). We urge you to also check City websites to better understand those requirements. As a short summary, the following guidelines may be of some help:
The front face of the house may not be changed without the approval of the Agents and the appropriate city historic review. This includes front porches and windows.
All exterior permits first require the signature of two Parkview Agents.
Most fences require a permit and sign-off by two Agents, whether it’s a new fence or a replacement (See FENCES for more info). Fences cannot be built in front of the building line (normally the rear wall of the house) and may not encroach on adjacent properties or Parkview easements (alleys, walkways, parks). Please submit a copy of your survey with the proposed fence placement for review.
No satellite dishes, solar panels or antennae may be mounted on the front face of the house or roof. Solar panels should not be visible from the street.
Dumpsters should be removed at the earliest possible opportunity during construction. University City maintains a 60-day policy.
If portable bathrooms are provided during construction, they must be placed in the backyard of the property.
There is a two-week limit for PODS and other storage containers.
Alley Maintenance: Each home owns the section of alley directly behind their property to the midpoint. This means that owners are responsible for keeping their alley free of leaves, weeds and debris.
Annual Neighborhood Assessment
Parkview homeowners pay an annual assessment based on the front footage of their lots. This assessment is used to pay for important neighborhood services like street paving and maintenance, park upkeep, tree trimming, street lighting, security, etc. Assessments are due by January 1 for the coming calendar year.
The annual assessment may be changed, or a special assessment levied, by the affirmative vote or other agreement of the owners of a major part of the lots in Parkview.
Late Payments: Delinquent assessments are subject to late charges of 9%. Past due accounts exceeding $4,000 or 3 years past due are subject to a lien as well as reimbursement of legal fees for the lien filing.
Selling Your Home: Those selling their homes will be required by their Title Company to provide a letter from the Agents attesting to assessment payment. Any past due amounts must be paid before title can pass to new owners. For information contact Agents@ParkviewNeighborhood.org.
Agents: Parkview is governed by a group at least nine (currently 12) elected agents who are property owners, with at least one agent from each of the six streets in Parkview. Agents are elected for three-year terms and may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The position is voluntary. Agents are responsible for contracting for materials and services appropriate to maintain Parkview and carrying out the purposes and requirements of the Indenture, and may disburse funds for any and all such purposes. The agents also shall contract for appropriate insurance to protect the subdivision and lot owners against claims arising out of use of the streets, walks, alleys, parks and areas of common use and other potential liabilities from the operation of the subdivision.
If you are interested in serving as an elected Agent, please contact one of the Agents directly or email us at Agents@ParkviewNeighborhood.org.
Annual Meeting: Each year Parkview holds an annual meeting for lot owners on the third Monday in May where Agents report on the state of Parkview and the collection and disbursement of assessments. All residents are urged to attend.
Streets & Gates
As a private subdivision, Parkview maintains its own streets, sidewalks and gates. From time to time, the Agents may determine it necessary for the safety of residents to close or open certain gates.
Street Gate at Center: Residents of Parkview may obtain clicker gate openers for the drive-through Center Gate by calling or emailing the Agent in charge of gates.
Pedestrian Gates: Pedestrian gates leading to Delmar Boulevard are opened by using a code. Please inform Agents at Agents@ParkviewNeighborhood.org if you notice the gates are improperly functioning.